Two Thumbs Up for Daily Multiple

Whole Food Daily Multiple Wins Both My Thumbs Up!

Somehow of late I’ve been doing product reviews.  Right now I have three products on my desk that are in line and one I’m currently testing.

I just completed a month trying Daily Multiple from Ionic Minerals.

Coming in to all of this remember one thing:  I am a skeptic’s skeptic.

It takes a great product to turn my head, and this one does.  So much was I sold that I promptly signed up to resell it so my readers could get it too.

What I like about this product –
1 It is based in an aloe vera solution made with pure filtered water. Aloe vera is enzyme rich and helps improve absorption and assimilation. The source of the aloe vera used in Daily Multiple is organic.  An old natural remedy I often offer to improve digestion includes aloe vera.
2 It contains fulvic acid to enhance absorption.  If you’re not familiar with fulvic acid, here’s some information: Fulvic acid is a natural restorative compound. One of its benefits is that it is an electro-chemical balancer and it helps metallic minerals become soluble.  In a way this is a complex topic and I’ll write more in an upcoming issue of herbalYODA Says!
3 DM contains wild honey as a natural sweetener.  Honey is an energizer and B vitamin source.  According to the manufacturer, there is 1 gram of total natural sugars per serving.  There is very little honey per serving, and this may be helpful to people who are sugar sensitive, or who are dealing with diabetes.
4 Whole foods from seaweed & sea vegetables provide health-promoting nutrients, antioxidants, and many anticancer compounds.
5 Cherries provide natural flavor and many more antioxidants. Read more about cherries here.
6 Eleuthero is an herb used for thousands of years known to many as Siberian Ginseng.  It too provides antioxidant, antistress, antifatigue, and anti-inflammatory benefit.  It also has been tested to show mood enhancement, especially in elders. It is an herb known to herbalists as an adaptogen which is more like what here we call a ‘tonic’.  Eleuthero also has liver protective and antiallergy benefits. This is one of my long time favorite herbs.
Daily Multiple is 100% Vegetarian and gluten free. 

It contains 72 naturally occurring minerals and trace minerals from IonicTrace.

As a believer and practitioner in energy medicine for many years I like the benefit offered by the use of purified energy enhanced water that helps activate minerals into their electronically charged ionic state for effectiveness.

Daily Multiple is sold in a 16 ounce blue bottle.  The daily amount is about half an ounce and this is just over a one month supply. Your purchases are welcome here.

Gayle Eversole, DHom, PhD, MH, NP, ND, is the Founder of Creating Health Institute.  She is a natural health educator and advocate, celebrating 50+ years blending science with the natural healing arts.  You may reach her through her website, Natural Healing through Natural Health at