Withdrawal Symptoms, Duration, Detox and Treatment From a Sleeping Pill

People who consume Alprazolam in great doses, or for an extensive time period than prescribed initially, run the risk of developing a dependence. These individuals also upsurge their probability of going through withdrawal. Withdrawal happens when an individual who is dependent physically on Alprazolam abruptly stops consuming this medicine. Without Alprazolam, a dependent individual cannot function or feel standard, and they frequently experience psychological and physical pain disturbances.

Contrary to other benzodiazepines, Alprazolam has some most dangerous withdrawal symptoms. Alprazolam leaves the body more rapidly as compared to the longer-acting benzodiazepines. This can cause severe and sudden withdrawal symptoms. Even the extended-release form of Alprazolam produces stronger symptoms of withdrawal as compared to numerous other benzodiazepines. Alprazolam is also above 10 times as strong as drugs of the similar class, such as Valium. As such, it hijacks the brain's reward centers of more forcefully. Individuals taking benzodiazepines in high quantities or for a long time period generally have more intense symptoms of withdrawal.

Rebound Symptoms for Alprazolam

The people who were recommended Alprazolam by the doctor for generalized panic disorder, anxiety disorder, or insomnia can face rebound symptoms subsequently stopping the use of the drug. Rebound effects are strengthened symptoms of a pre-existing mental disorder and may comprise of panic, anxiety attacks and failure to sleep. These rebound symptoms typically vanish after about a week, however the underlying disorder often needs specialized treatment.

Alprazolam Duration of Withdrawal

Though Alprazolam withdrawal is often more penetrating as compared to other benzos, it does not last as long. Alprazolam is a benzodiazepine which is short-acting, so its effects are sensed quicker and are than most benzos. Withdrawal initiates as soon as the brain and body are deprived of the medication. Thus, withdrawal can start in just a few hours and usually lasts for more than a week.

Alprazolam Detox

Alprazolam Detoxing can be a long procedure. Since Alprazolam can create severe symptoms of withdrawal, ending it "cold turkey" is not suggested. Tapering off Alprazolam includes slowly cutting back on the drug dose over a time period. In certain cases, a physician may suggest substituting to a less strong benzodiazepine with a smaller half-life, such as Klonopin, to taper off the usage. Alprazolam Detox should always be executed under the management of a medicinal professional.