Scalp Vein Set Hub

Scalp Vein Set Hub ImageSource:

A scalp vein set hub is a medical device used to access veins in the scalp for various medical procedures. It is a needle with a plastic hub attached to it that allows the healthcare provider to connect it to an intravenous line or tubing. The scalp vein set hub is ideal for patients who have limited venous access or who require frequent blood draws or infusions.

Uses of Scalp Vein Set Hub

Scalp Vein Set Hub ImageSource:

The scalp vein set hub is used for a wide range of medical procedures, including:

  • Blood transfusions
  • Chemotherapy
  • IV fluids
  • Diagnostic blood tests
  • Feeding
  • Medication administration

The scalp vein set hub is ideal for patients who have difficult venous access, including small children, elderly patients, and patients with fragile veins or veins that are difficult to access.

Types of Scalp Vein Set Hub

Scalp Vein Set Hub ImageSource:

There are different types of scalp vein set hubs available. They differ in size, length, and gauge. The choice of scalp vein set hub depends on the patient's age, weight, and the intended use.

The most common types of scalp vein set hubs include:

  • 22-gauge scalp vein set hub for children and adults
  • 24-gauge scalp vein set hub for infants and small children
  • 26-gauge scalp vein set hub for neonates

Advantages of Scalp Vein Set Hub

Scalp Vein Set Hub ImageSource:

The scalp vein set hub has several advantages compared to other venous access devices, including:

  • Easy to insert and remove
  • Less painful than other venous access devices
  • Minimal risk of infiltration or extravasation
  • Can be used for short-term or long-term venous access
  • Allows for frequent blood draws or infusions

How to Insert a Scalp Vein Set Hub

Scalp Vein Set Hub ImageSource:

The scalp vein set hub is inserted by a healthcare provider who has received training in the insertion technique. The insertion process involves the following steps:

  1. Clean the area where the scalp vein set hub is to be inserted with an antiseptic solution
  2. Locate the vein using palpation or ultrasound
  3. Insert the needle at a 10-15 degree angle into the vein
  4. Advance the needle until blood is aspirated into the hub
  5. Remove the needle and attach the hub to an IV line or tubing

Care and Maintenance of Scalp Vein Set Hub

Scalp Vein Set Hub ImageSource:

The scalp vein set hub requires proper care and maintenance to prevent infection and other complications. The following steps should be followed to care for and maintain the scalp vein set hub:

  • Monitor the site for signs of infection, such as redness, swelling, and pus
  • Clean the site with an antiseptic solution before and after each use
  • Change the scalp vein set hub every 48-72 hours or as per the healthcare provider's instructions
  • Avoid tugging or pulling on the hub
  • Avoid using the same site for repeated attempts at insertion

Potential Complications of Scalp Vein Set Hub

Scalp Vein Set Hub ImageSource:

Although the scalp vein set hub is a safe and effective venous access device, there are potential complications that may arise. These include:

  • Infection
  • Bleeding
  • Infiltration or extravasation
  • Phlebitis
  • Thrombosis

It is important to monitor the patient carefully for any signs of complications and to take appropriate action if they occur.


The scalp vein set hub is a valuable medical device for accessing veins in the scalp. It is safe, easy to use, and has several advantages over other venous access devices. Proper care and maintenance are essential to prevent infection and other complications. Healthcare providers who are trained in the insertion technique can use the scalp vein set hub effectively to improve patient outcomes.

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