External Flaxseed Oil Treats Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Photo Credit:https://jeffreysterlingmd.files.wordpress.com

'Carpal tunnel syndrome is considered mysterious to conventional medicine. Now we find proof that nature helps solve the riddle of the carpal tunnel by virtue of flaxseed oil - also referred to as linseed oil.

Years ago as a little league baseball player I would rub linseed oil onto my baseball glove because it made the glove softer and more pliable. This trick allowed me to catch the ball better. It also lengthened the life of the glove.

Little did I or anyone else know the external application of linseed oil (Latin name Linum usitatissimum) – also referred to in nutrition as flaxseed oil – can also treat carpal tunnel syndrome.

But can treating carpal tunnel syndrome really be compared to rubbing oil onto a baseball glove?'